Sunday, July 7, 2013

Almost a week! :)

Ladies and Gentlemen...

We have almost made it a week in the hospital! So, only 7ish left to go! :) We are at least making some kind of progress!

Babies are still looking great everyday. This morning at the ultrasound, "Baby B" had shifted just enough to where she should be considered "Baby A" due to her being closest to my cervix.  However, I think at this point, they are just going to distinguish the babies by their heart rate. "Baby A" is still on my right side and "Baby B" is on the left.  They are very active basically all day long, which is very reassuring to me.  I like to know that they are still in there, even if they are being little stinkers while we are trying to monitor their heart rates.

One of our beautiful daughters from today. Looks like a sleeping beauty to me! :)
I was happy to have some visitors today, as it is a nice way to break up my day. Actually, I have had somebody come everyday since I have been here. It's great to wake up and have something to look forward to everyday, besides getting to see and hear my girls :)  If you're ever in the area, feel free to stop by! I'll try to be a good hostess, even though I can't offer you a beer 

When I spoke to the doctor this morning (he checks up on me every morning) he had mentioned that the other Mono-Mono mom has been given a "free pass" just about every week.  This means that she has been able to leave the hospital premises for a few hours and do whatever.  So, he offered it to me! I wasn't about to turn that down! I was excited to hear that, and I knew that Jake was coming later today so we would be able to leave and go do something other than sit in my room and watch T.V.  When he got here, we left and went to Target to pick up some things. I remember thinking that I was doing something wrong, as if I were sneaking out of the house. I felt rebellious, probably because of the hospital bracelet I was still wearing. I thought that I should do something fun, so we were trying to find an ice cream place or something, but we stumbled upon Tropical Sno.  (Neither one of us knows Des Moines very well, so we didn't want to explore to far.) If you have any suggestions, let me know! I had thought that if maybe I could get a pass on a Saturday morning, the Farmer's Market would be fun. Or Jake had mentioned maybe going to lunch and to a matinee movie. I don't know, just some ideas :)

We escaped!!
Tomorrow I am able to do some pool therapy with the other Mono-Mono mom, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm not sure what all of that entails, but I'll be sure to write about it on my next post!

I'm not sure if all of you know what I'm talking about when I am being monitored. I have been told that it is like getting a non-stress test while you're pregnant, but I have never had to deal with that. There are 3 doppler like things that they use to try to find both babies' heartbeats, and the other is used to measure any contractions I would be having (I'm not, but they use it anyways.)
Sometimes, the girls don't cooperate very well and they move all over the place (well, I guess they move to where they uterus is kind of restricting) which makes it hard to get a good read of their heart rates. I am hooked up to the monitors 3 times a day (usually shortly after I wake up, mid-afternoon, and right before I go to bed) for about an hour each time. I always must remember to get myself in a comfortable position before the monitors get thrown on me, otherwise that is one long hour.  There have been a couple times where the monitors have picked up on one of the babies' hiccups. I think it's so darn cute! As much of a pain as being monitored is, I know that it is one way the doctor can keep tabs on these little blessings and keep them as healthy as possible before they come into this world. 
This is basically my full time job now! I know what you're thinking, and yes, it is a very hard work :)
Please continue to pray for these little bundles, as we want them to be safe for as long as they can be. Jake and I certainly appreciate all of your support we have been given through this journey so far, and we can't wait to introduce our daughters to you in a few months!

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