Monday, July 22, 2013

Just some thoughts...

So... I don't really have much to write about today, but I feel that if I wait too long to blog, my next one will be WAY too long. So, this isn't so much an update but just a mumble jumble of thoughts :)

Have I mentioned how active my babies are? I LOVE IT! They tend to be little boogers and move around when they don't need to (or aren't supposed to like during monitoring!) But they have been doing performing well at their ultrasounds, doing their "practice breathing" like they are supposed to. Obviously, they don't really need to be breathing while inside me (because they would be inhaling gross mucus and I don't really want to think about what else) but they are supposed to just practice moving their diaphragm up and down, which is the same muscle that moves when we breath. 

They were also stinkers in the fact that they took FOREVER to let their Daddy finally feel them move around. Even when I was still at home and they would be moving around, I would tell him to come feel them, and the babies would immediately stop moving. Was it intimidation or mischievousness????


Jake and I have finally come up with our second name... through text message :) For some reason, when I say the name out loud it looks or sounds different than when I actually see it in text. But, I LOVE both of them.  While trying to find the perfect names, here are some that we had to take into consideration.

Dr. Quinn and Medicine-Woman (For the sake of the rest of the blog, I am going to change their names from Baby A and Baby B to this.)

Minnie & Winnie
Jew & Jam (after the Iowa towns Jewell and Jamaica)
Madge & Virginia (my personal favorite)

As much fun as it was to hear all of the suggestions from people, we have finally chosen! I feel that is a big weight lifted off of my shoulders :) I apologize for being so excited and not being able to tell all of you until they are born.


I have found that Dr. Quinn and Medicine-Woman have already developed their own personalities.  Medicine-Woman (Baby B) is extremely active and is usually the one who cooperates better during ultra sound.  Dr. Quinn (Baby A) is more relaxed (or lazy as I call it) and she doesn't really squirm around as much.  I am very interested to find out if these traits will continue once they are born.

Wrapping Up...

I warned you that this post was going to just be a modge podge of thoughts! :)

I can't believe that I've been here for 3 weeks already (well I can, as time doesn't seem to be moving quite as fast as it was.) But, next week at this time I can tell myself that I'm already halfway done! That will feel like quite a feat, and 28 weeks is considered a milestone around here :)

I know that this picture doesn't really have anything to do with my post, but she is so pretty that I just can't resist. I can't even explain how much I miss this girl :( She is definitely in for a rude awakening when her baby sisters come home! 

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. These babies are (almost) living proof of the power of prayer :) Jake and I love all of the support!

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