Thursday, August 1, 2013

Has it already been a whole month??

August 1st. Today's date marks one entire month that I have been here at Mercy.  Honestly, it's gone by pretty darn fast. And to think that we could meet our beautiful daughters in just a mere 3 1/2 weeks seems unreal.  I can't believe how fast this whole pregnancy has gone, but when I sit and think about it, Jake and I have only known that we were pregnant for 5 1/2 months, and here we are talking about having 2 babies in just a few weeks. That is NUTS.

I had told Jake the other night that it really sucks for him that I'm stuck here. You know, he can't enjoy my company constantly like normal. Just kidding ;) But, it really does stink because he's not experiencing this pregnancy with me as he would if I were just having a singleton and were at home.  When I lie down at night to go to bed, the girls are CRAZY and move around a lot.  Jake doesn't get to see or feel that.  Sometimes it's just those little things that make me very homesick.  And let's not mention my dog.  Jake and I FaceTimed the other night so I got to see Kate (our furry dog-ter... you know, like daughter, but she's a dog??). I was able to see her react to my voice, which about made me cry because I miss her bunches and bunches!
I can't just talk about her and not add a picture :) 

So you are probably now wondering about the status of the babies.  They are (surprisingly) behaving extremely well.  The last few days the ultrasounds have gone (almost) perfectly.  The girls' dopplers and umbilical cords look great and the monitoring has been going really well, too.  Apparently I'm doing something right! :)

We did have our growth ultrasound on Monday (we have one of these every 2 weeks to see how much the girls have grown). Baby A's head is really low, so they had a hard time getting an accurate head circumference measurement, so her weight is really more of an estimation. But she came in at 2 lbs. 2 oz, where her sister weighed in at 2 lbs. 1 oz.  I was relieved to find out that they had both hit the 2 lb mark.  I would like them to both weigh at least 4 lbs. when they are born, so I am downing protein shakes like its my job (which I guess it kind of is right now!)  The doctor said that a half a pound a week weight gain for the babies is a realistic goal, which made me feel good. I'm already anxious for their next growth ultrasound! :)

I know this one is kind of hard to see, but I feel like I have to be fair :) That black spot in the upper left corner is Baby A's eye. Hopefully that helps??

I can't believe how clear this one turned out and I am just in LOVE with that hand in front :) This is Baby B (again with her face pressed up against Baby A's chest).

Since the babies have behaved so well, I was able to get another free pass this past weekend.  I suppose Jake and I should be using all of our "free time" as wisely as possible before our lives change completely! We went mini-golfing (he beat me, but was nice about it :). We then ate lunch at Fuddruckers (interesting restaurant, but I think I would recommend it and go there again), and then we bought a new camera.  I imagine we will need one soon :)
Just in case you were wondering, yes, I was able to see the ball.  Mom was quick to ask that question :)
Until next time! Please continue to pray for these girls. I know it's working! :) Jake and I really appreciate it!!


  1. Thinking of you guys often :). Take care of yourself, and those beautiful little girls. Larry & Kay

  2. I will be thinking of you as I went through a similar situation with my twin sons. They were born early at 27 weeks. One twin had a 2 vessel cord and wasn't growing as fast as the other so we had problems from the start. At 25 weeks his sac broke and I was hospitalized until I went into full labor at 27 weeks. Born at 1 lbs 15 ou and 2 lbs 11 ou. Baby A was in the NICU for 96 days and baby B was in 45 days. Baby A had I guess what they told you was "free gas" Lol.. He perforated in his small intestines and had emergency surgery. But they are doing great now. They are very happy 3yo's. They will be 4 in November.
